Friday, January 8, 2010


Welcome to SGD112. My name is Nic Colley. I am your instructor.

This course provides an introductory overview of the simulation & game design process. Topics include MDA Framework, creation strategies and genres. Additionally, the course explores how simulations and games are produced, tested and released.

Please read the following information carefully.

Online Course Orientation
Online students are strongly encouraged to complete one of CPCC’s Distance Learning Student Orientation sessions. Online orientation information is available on the Distance Learning website. You can access this website by clicking on the STUDENT RESOURSES button on the left menu. Online courses are very popular among our students, largely because they are perceived as being more convenient. A few words of caution: if you do not have continuous access to a working computer, if you are not computer literate or if you have difficulty working independently on course material, I strongly suggest that you consider withdrawing from the online section of this course. Students who are hard-working, self-disciplined and have ready access to the required technology typically do well in online courses. Others do not do well. If you have any questions or concerns about the technology aspects of this course, please call CPCC's Information Technology Services (ITS) at 704 330 5000

Contacting the Instructor
If at any time during the semester you have questions about course material or concerns about your progress, please contact me. The best way to reach me is via email. I check my email several times a day and reply promptly. Be sure to email me through Blackboard (click on the COMMUNICATION button on the left side of the screen) and to include the course number and section number in the subject line of every email you send to me. Failure to email me through Blackboard or to include the required information in the subject line of your emails will result in my being unable to respond to your emails. You may also come and see me during my office hours. My office is located on CPCC’s Central Campus – fifth floor, room 5107. Please click on the INSTRUCTOR button on the left side of the screen for information regarding my office hours. You may also contact me via telephone at 704 330 6398

Please check Announcements frequently. I will post important information, updates and reminders in Announcements throughout the semester.

The ASSIGNMENTS button (located on the left side of the main page) is the most important tool bar in this site. Click on Assignments to learn about the modules (units of study) we'll be covering in this course, as well as specific assignments for each module.

Quizzes and Exams
Click on the QUIZZES button (located on the left side of the main page) to take your quizzes. Click on the EXAMS button (located on the lefts side of the main page) to take your exams. You may take the quizzes whenever you like. Practice quizzes may be taken multiple times. Quizzes and exams are open-book; they will be removed from Blackboard during the final week of the semester (exact date and time to be announced by the instructor; check Announcements for updates). Exams may be taken only once; there are no make-ups.

Course Calendar
Click on the COURSE CALENDAR button (located on the left side of the main page) to learn which modules will be covered when. Information concerning exams and assignment due dates may also be included in the course calendar. To be successful in this course, you'll need to follow the course calendar and be careful not to fall behind.

Discussion Board (DB)
Click on the DISCUSSION BOARD button (located on the left side of the main page) to access the DB. The DB will provide opportunities for you to discuss topics related to the course and to receive feedback from your fellow students and your instructor.

First Assignment
Here’s your first assignment. By Friday, Monday, Aug 24 at 6:00 p.m. you will need to do the following:

  1. Explore this Blackboard site. Click on all of the tool bars (located on the left side of the main page) to become familiar with the structure of the course. If you have any technical questions, please contact Distance Learning or Instructional Technology Services.
  2. Obtain a CPCC Snap Account if you do not already have one (contact ITS for more information).
  3. Complete a Distance Learning Student Orientation.
  4. Complete the following assignment:
    a. Click on the SYLLABUS button on the left side of the screen.
    b. Read the complete syllabus carefully.
    c. After having read and understood the entire syllabus, click on the ASSIGNMENTS button on the left menu, click on “DO THIS FIRST” and complete all stated activities.
Failure to complete this assignment by Monday, Aug 24 at 6:00 p.m. may result in your being dropped from the course.

The best way to communicate with me is via email. Please make sure that you always include the course number and section number in the subject line when sending me an email. I’m looking forward to working with you this semester.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Have a great semester!

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